With commits 11751, 11752 and 11753 I have added plsdrawmode and
plgdrawmode functions to the C PLplot API.  These functions allow a
PLplot user to determine how the underlying plot device draws the
current color.  See the PL_MODE_* descriptions below for more detail
on the currently implemented drawing modes.  Commit 11751 adds two
functions, a plot stream struct value, and a few #defines.  These
functions could potentially be used to deprecate the current XOR
drawing API in PLplot, once further driver support is available for
these new functions.

For reference, here are the available Cairo drawing/compositing modes:

Here are the Qt4 drawing/compositing modes:

Commit 11752 adds driver-level support for setting and getting the
current drawing mode to the Cairo devices.  I checked the Qt 4
documentation to confirm that the Qt drawing API supports a similar
set of modes.  That said, I'm not familiar enough with using Qt or our
Qt devices to be able to implement drawing mode support for Qt devices
at this time.  I hope that someone else will be able to do so - it
should be a fairly straightforward task for someone who knows how
their way around the relevant code.

Commit 11753 adds a three page C examples which illustrates the three
drawing modes which are currently in place.  This example will only
run if the active plotting device supports setting/getting the drawing
mode, so at this point you must use a Cairo device in order to see the

The currently defined drawing modes are:

PL_MODE_DEFAULT: This is the default, and acts exactly the way PLplot
has in the past.  Page 1 of example 34 uses this mode.  The background
will show through a transparent drawing color in this mode.  This is
called OVER in the Cairo API.

PL_MODE_REPLACE: This mode replaces existing plot content with the
current drawing color.  It can be used, for example, to replace a
section of a plot with a transparent color.  Page 2 of example 34 uses
this mode.  If the drawing color is opaque then there won't be a
difference between this drawing mode and PL_MODE_DEFAULT.  This is
called SOURCE in the Cairo API.

PL_MODE_XOR: I added this as a further example because the Cairo and
Qt devices support it.  The xwin device could probably be made to
support it as well.

Adding more modes to the Cairo devices is quite straight forward, and
will hopefully be similarly straight foward for the Qt devices once
someone implements support for that family.

Please provide any comments you may have!  If people are happy with
this approach then I will flesh out the information in this email and
add it to the API documentation.


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