On 03/20/2015 05:35 PM, Jim Dishaw wrote:
>> In sum, the technical choice is between the alt approach which
>> requires already implemented code in the core with simpler code in the
>> unicode-aware drivers and the original approach which allows us to
>> drop core code at the expense of more duplicated and more complex text
>> processing code in the unicode-aware drivers. And you can use cairo.c
>> as a prototype to estimate the driver code savings/simplifications
>> that would appear for the non-cairo devices in the alt case.
> I'm actually a fan of both approaches and don't see a pressing need to remove 
> either one. The biggest change I would make is to unify the string tokenizer. 
> Some cleanup is needed in the Cairo driver because there is a lot of 
> unnecessary overhead when handling strings.

Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean when you say "unify the string 
tokenizer". Do you mean in PLplot core? The drivers should all use a 
common string tokenizer? Or something else? I was trying to create what 
I thought of as a common string tokenizer with the alt_unicode text 
pathway, but I don't think that it worked out that well. I'd like to 
understand better what you propose.


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