To Arjen and Hazen:

I have now enabled the convenient submission of a dashboard (defined as the
collection of essentially all results from a run of ctest) to our
cdash dartboard server,, with results displayed at
<>. This step was
completely straightforward, i.e, it only required introduction of the
15-line file, CTestConfig.cmake that is actually provided by when I created the PLplot_git project there. See the
commit message for d7192bb for details.

See also the commit messages for 9adf35e and e187a6c which implement
opt-in dashboard submission for each ctest that is run by our
comprehensive test script and which eliminates an annoying truncation
problem that was occurring for my previously submitted dashboards.

Will you both please try submitting dashboards to prove this process
works well for you on the various platforms accessible to you?

The whole submission process is straightforward and should work for
any Unix platform (Cygwin, MinGW-w64/MSYS2, Mac OS X, and Linux should
all qualify).  Either you run scripts/ with
the "do_submit_dashboard yes" option or else you
can configure PLplot with cmake as normal (using the
-DBUILD_TEST=ON option), build the "all" target (as you likely do
normally as well), and the only extra step required _after_ the "all"
target is built is to execute

ctest -D Experimental

That command (also used in our comprehensive test script when
"--do_submit_dashboard yes" runs all the ctest tests that are enabled
by our build system as normal PLUS with that -D option, ctest collects
the dashboard of those results and sends it off to as
configured by CTestConfig.cmake.  And you can then review those
results (and my previous ones) at

At first these results seem extremely terse (organized as one
dashboard per line), but you soon realize that virtually every field
for a given dashboard is a clickable link starting a hierarchy of
further clickable links to make complete information on a given ctest
run accessible in a very nicely organized way.

The only slight concern I have with regard to these dashboard results
is the false positive count of 14 warnings for the cmake run.
Apparently, my use of "WARNING:" in many of the messages emitted by
our build system is triggering this.  I think that is likely a ctest
bug, and instead the dashboard should report a warning only when there
is an official cmake warning message.

Anyhow, the number of configuration warnings these dashboard
summaries show should be taken with a large grain of salt.

In sum, simply remember to configure, build, and then execute

ctest -D Experimental

whenever there is an interesting git commit you would like to test or
whenever you would like to test your own work before a commit.  Then
visit <> to look at
those results in detail and to compare them with ctest results
submitted by others.

Now I have implemented this nice new facility for submitting
dashboards, I have put together a table that compares
this facility with the travis-ci capability recently
implemented by Hazen.

(N.B. "WLA" means whatever locally available.)

Characteristic         dashboard         travis-ci

Nicely formatted?      yes               no

Git server allowed?    any               limited to GitHub

Where tests are run?   locally           travis-ci server

Compilers?             WLA               Many gcc suite versions, clang, etc.

Platforms?             WLA               2.5 year-old Linux, Mac OS X

The nicely formatted results (e.g., those at
<> of the dashboard
approach are a clear advantage for that approach, but I presume
the travis-ci developers will get on top of this issue with
their raw results at some point.

The fact is lots of developers use GitHub so the extra freedom in this
regard for the dashboard approach should be considered just a modest
advantage for the dashboard approach.

The biggest disadvantage of the dashboard approach from the user's
perspective is ctest chews up lots of local cpu cycles while the
advantage for the travis-ci approach from that same perspective is it
chews up lots of cpu cycles on the travis-ci server.

The variety of compilers and compiler versions supported by travis-ci is
an advantage for that approach from the single-users perspective, but
this advantage decreases considerably if you get many users of PLplot
reporting dashboards for the wide variety of compilers and compiler
versions available to them.

The local platforms where this dashboard approach should work include
essentially any platform that supports bash and other Unix commands
which are needed by our tests.  Thus, our ctest results (and
presumably dashboard submission as well) are known to work on Cygwin,
MinGW-w64/MSYS2, Mac OS X, and Linux and should work on most other
free and commercial Unices. Nobody has yet got ctest to work on "bare"
Windows (e.g., MSVC) yet, although theoretically it should work if you
used nmake and MSVC while putting e.g., the unix tools such as bash on
the PATH from say, your MinGW-w64/MSYS2 platform.  Anyhow, even if
this issue with ctest on "bare" Windows persists, I think there is a
clear advantage with platform support here for the dashboard approach.

Note, I have been in contact with the travis-ci support staff about
that 2.5 year-old Linux limitation (which I consider to be a modest
disadvantage now, but it is on the cusp of becoming a major
disadvantage for our free software needs since we typically do not
support extremely old versions of Linux libraries).  From the reply I
got it appears the travis-ci developers have recently cleared up a
bottleneck in their software which was making it difficult to update
their Linux platforms available on their server so it is expected that
limitation will be gone reasonably soon although there is no ETA yet.

In sum, I think it is fair to say the two methods complement each
other with advantages and disavantages for each as summarized above.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time
Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting
software package (; the libLASi project
(; the Loads of Linux Links project (;
and the Linux Brochure Project (

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