Which version of wxwidgets do you use (can you give last commit using 
git log)?

Le 27/12/2016 à 22:29, Pedro Vicente a écrit :
>> error is still here. Now what patch should I apply?
> there is no patch for the scale issue.
> the patch I send previously on the subject "Using wxWidgets" is for 
> the issue regarding the use
> of templates. To test that, add and replace the 2 attached files on 
> that email to the master you just did the clone,
> and report here if you have any errors on the master, or in your code 
> that uses it, please.
> regarding the scale issue, what compiler and cmake command are you using?
> is it Visual Studio 2015 build 64bits, doing
> cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 win64" ?
> On 2016-12-27 16:04, Laurent Berger wrote:
>> I always clean my build repo and my cmake cache. Now to be sure I
>> have just clone plplot in another folder :
>> $ git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/plplot/plplot
>> Cloning into 'plplot'...
>> remote: Counting objects: 91527, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (29963/29963), done.
>> remote: Total 91527 (delta 68265), reused 82342 (delta 60469)
>> Receiving objects: 100% (91527/91527), 117.46 MiB | 109.00 KiB/s, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (68265/68265), done.
>> Checking connectivity... done.
>> Checking out files: 100% (1962/1962), done.
>> Laurent@PC-Laurent-Vision MINGW64 /f/met
>> $ cd plplot
>> Laurent@PC-Laurent-Vision MINGW64 /f/met/plplot (master)
>> $ git log
>> commit 26bc4bf13aa41dff0e19345e982eca00a0458578
>> Author: Alan W. Irwin <air...@users.sourceforge.net>
>> Date:   Sat Dec 24 14:32:48 2016 -0800
>>     Apply spell checker to release notes
>> build plplot in static using wxwidgets 3.1.0 :
>>  git log    (wxWidgets 3.1.0)
>> commit 9bb5d0435a4cce5bcb7b3956cb730f59c37ea5f6
>> Author: Paul Cornett <paul...@users.noreply.github.com>
>> Date:   Wed Nov 9 20:06:26 2016 -0800
>>     Fix non-default window background color with GTK+ >= 3.20
>>     GTK+ no longer automatically paints non-default window
>> background. See #17586
>> commit b1a19e6b6c9f1a69821c0da773e2e3f94d554292
>> error is still here. Now what patch should I apply?
>> Le 27/12/2016 à 21:47, Alan W. Irwin a écrit :
>>> On 2016-12-27 15:27-0500 Pedro Vicente wrote:
>>>> ah, yes, that's right "Visual Studio 14" only  is for 32 bits
>>>> I did not try with 64 bits libs
>>> @Laurent:
>>> Just to interject here, before getting too deeply into 64-bit versus
>>> 32-bit Windows differences between Pedro and you, it is important you
>>> answer our question whether the text issues you see are due to stale
>>> results left over from your previous builds.  So please make a
>>> completely fresh build and let us know whether those text issues
>>> persist for that fresh build.
>>> Alan
>>> __________________________
>>> Alan W. Irwin
>>> Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and 
>>> Astronomy,
>>> University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
>>> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
>>> implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
>>> Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
>>> software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
>>> (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
>>> and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).
>>> __________________________
>>> Linux-powered Science
>>> __________________________

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