> On Jan 30, 2017, at 3:40 AM, Alan W. Irwin <ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> Hi Jim:
> Now that 5.12.0 has been released, I am writing a series of posts to
> our active developers with this subject line, and it is now your
> turn.  :-)
> By all means please tell us of your plans for the current release
> cycle, but in any case I strongly encourage you to start working again
> on two development topics of yours that have intrigued us all in the
> past. Those are (1) your new interactive windows devices and (2)
> restoring the plmeta device and plrender.
> (1) Your new interactive windows devices
> My understanding is your new windows device driver has one interactive
> device implemented so far that is GDI (or GDI+) based (see
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_Device_Interface> but with no
> Uniscribe (see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniscribe>) support for
> Unicode implemented yet.  Also, you have at least discussed plans to
> add another device to that device driver that would use Direct2D
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct2D> rather than GDI. and which
> would use the DirectWrite <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectWrite>
> approach to search system fonts and render unicode text.  And our
> build system goal would be to interrogate the system to see what was
> available out of all the GDI, Uniscribe, Direct2D, and DirectWrite
> possibilities and then present the available combinations out of the 4
> possibilities (e.g., GDI with and without Uniscribe and Direct2D with
> or without DirectWrite) by default.  But initially every combination
> would be OFF by default, i.e., a user would be forced to enable it
> using the appropriate cmake option (see discussion below).
> Furthermore, it appears this device driver in its present form is at
> least buildable (since you have circulated some patches concerning
> that device).  So I strongly encourage you to go ahead and push your
> new windows device driver to SF master in exactly its present
> development state.  After all, we have a really nice PLplot
> architecture where device driver development can proceed without
> affecting the rest of PLplot so you might as well take advantage of
> that architecture so long as most git users are insulated from build
> errors due to your new device (see the second comment below about how
> to arrange that insulation).  And such a public development approach
> might attract some extra help for you (e.g., I would be happy to help
> with all build system issues.)

I will rebaseline my driver with the newest release and push to the git 
repository.  I now have a Windows Vista and a Windows 10 build environments 
setup for development and testing.  I also have a high DPI machine that will 
help test out the implementation on the environment.

> Once you have pushed the current state of your new device driver code,
> I recommend the following further steps.
> * Rename the existing code for the device driver some generic name
>  like windows.c or windows.cpp (depending on which of C or C++
>  you are using to develop it).  Also rename the actual device
>  implemented by that device driver as "winGDI”.

I was planning on using wingdi.c as the filename.

> * Use the flag in cmake/modules/drivers-init.cmake to disable the winGDI
>  device by default.  That simply means that users who want to try it
>  as an experiment would have to enable it explicitly with
>  -DPLD_winGDI=ON.  That's a bit of extra insurance allowing you to
>  continue to develop that device without concerns about how it
>  will affect the rest of us using the git version of PLplot.  For
>  example, if you introduced a build error on some platforms for your
>  new device driver on initial push or after some further development
>  it would not be an urgent matter to fix it because it would not
>  affect that many PLplot git users.  And that "pass" extends to
>  releases as well so long as you keep the devices implemented by the
>  device driver disabled by default.

Got it

> * Tear out any use of plfreetype if you are using it now for Unicode
>  support.  (The wingcc device currently uses that approach to attempt
>  to get access to Windows system fonts, and render them, but that
>  whole (pl)freetype approach is deprecated for very good reasons (see
> <http://plplot.sourceforge.net/docbook-manual/plplot-html-5.12.0/FreeType-notes.html>)
>  so you should not propagate it to any further devices.

I have not been using Freetype—I have been keeping it as pure windows API as I 

> * Keep developing -dev winGDI until you are completely satisfied
>  with its results for the Hershey fonts (the only fonts you
>  would be able to use at this stage).  At that point you can
>  enable -dev winGDI by default.
> * Give -dev winGDI optional (disabled by default) access to Unicode-enabled 
> Windows system fonts
>  using the Uniscribe <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniscribe>
>  approach.  Once that component of your winGDI device works enable it by 
> default
>  if Uniscribe is available on the platform, but otherwise disable it.
> * Based on your (then) existing experience with development of -dev winGDI
>  implement an additional device for your "windows" device driver called -dev 
> winDirect2D which is
>  based on Direct2D <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct2D> rather
>  than GDI. and which optionally (once Hershey fonts work) uses the
>  DirectWrite <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectWrite> approach
>  rather than Uniscribe to give access to Unicode-enabled Windows
>  system fonts.
> I highly recommend that you use the same device driver (called
> windows?) to implement both devices similarly to the way that the
> cairo device driver implements so many different devices.  And I can
> certainly help with all the CMake aspects of discovering whether the
> current Windows platform supports GDI/Uniscribe and/or
> Direct2D/DirectWrite and enabling/disabling these two devices and
> their non-Hershey handling of fonts accordingly.  But we can work out
> all those details later after an initial development with these
> (experimental) devices disabled by default.

I have to think about this recommendation.  It sounds like a good idea.

> N.B. The first 3 of these steps should be at most a few hours work, but
> the remaining steps will likely take considerably
> longer, and I emphasize all of these development steps should be done
> publicly using the SF facilities rather than privately since that will
> encourage others to try your new devices (and perhaps help you with
> development), AND there is no way you can
> seriously affect git users of PLplot so long as the devices and
> independently the unicode treatment for each device is disabled
> by default until it is stablized code rather than experimental.
> N.B. Once you are completely happy with -dev winGDI with Uniscribe,
> and assuming that event occurs within this release cycle, I would plan
> to immediately deprecate wingcc for the forthcoming non-bugfix release
> 5.13.0 with the further plan for 5.14.0 to remove the deprecated
> wingcc, gd, and old wxwidgets device drivers and the whole deprecated
> plfreetype approach those deprecated devices depend on.  In other
> words the event of stable -dev winGDI with Uniscribe support will
> trigger a wonderful opportunity for me to remove a lot of cruft from
> PLplot! :-)
> In sum I hope to see the first 3 steps above from you within a few
> days (assuming you have a few hours to work on PLplot right now), and
> I hope to see the 4th and fifth steps abpve completed before the
> release of 5.13.0 (mid 2017?) to start the clock on the cruft removal
> I hope to do for the 5.14.0 release (early 2018?).

Sound reasonable

> 2. Restoring the plmeta device and plrender
> The big complication here (if I am recalling correctly from your
> previous discussions of this topic) is you likely need substantial
> plbuf changes to move forward with this in a way that satisfies the
> "round trip test", i.e., (pl)rendering plmeta results to the plmeta
> form again should yield an identical plmeta result.  And such plbuf
> changes impact all interactive devices and likely most git PLplot
> users.
> However, I think the general approach of making the plbuf change and
> adjusting all devices for that change is the best you can do. The only
> caveat is there must be plenty of testing time before the release to
> test your changes for each of the devices.  That was the approach you
> used last time for your last plbuf change and it generally worked.  Of
> course, for some reason wxwidgets slipped through the cracks and did
> not get adjusted but presumably Phil will be dealing with that issue
> shortly. And we had to temporarily remove the cairo adjustment because
> it clobbered one of the cairo special examples.  But the cairo device
> driver worked fine with that change and your best guess at the time
> was you were simply uncovering an existing bug in the cairo special
> example.  So I plan to put back the cairo adjustment shortly and
> simply disable the special cairo example instead (until somone figures
> out what the real issue is for that example).
> But it is obviously a good idea to wait until Phil adjusts the
> wxwidgets device driver and I restore your adjustment for the cairo
> device driver before you change plbuf some more.

I think it is best to wait until Phil finishes his work on wxwidgets

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