Hi Phil:

You make a lot of points about some uncertainties in what I propose to
do.  And I do agree there are such uncertainties.  So this is
definitely a "show them the code" moment.  At worst, I will strip it
all out again because it will turn out to be complex and slow.  But it
could be significantly less complex (no polling!) and just as
efficient or better.  So we will see.

Further discussion below about that "no polling" point.

On 2017-02-07 13:51-0000 Phil Rosenberg wrote:

> In a simple
> restart-from-the-beginning buffer like you seem to be proposing the
> sender must wait until the reader has read all the data from the
> buffer before it can send more data.

True, but neverthless the mini-project demonstrated this was an
efficient method of moving many MBytes at one go since effectively the
only costs (assuming overheads are small) are a memcpy of those bytes
on the sending end and a memcpy of those bytes on the receiving end,
and (this is the important point) without any polling at all!  Note,
in principle for GigaHertz machines a 1 GByte memcpy should only
require 1 second or so.  So we are discussing really small
inefficiencies here so long as the size of the buffer is large enough
to make the overheads of the method (the overhead of setting up the
transfer of control to the memcpy routine for each chunk, and the
overhead of checking semaphores as each chunk is passed).  So I would
expect the method would be inefficient for really small buffer sizes
(such as 100 bytes or so).  But, for example, I was already getting
quite efficient results with a buffer size of just 1K (!) so I don't
think the overheads of this two-semaphore method are that big a deal.

Of course, if you add polling to the mix, then that would introduce a
lot of efficiency concern. But there is no polling needed or used in
this mini-project so that is why it is efficient, and I believe I can
avoid polling as well for the wxwidgets IPC method, see below.

> Don't forget also that while waiting for new data
> the semaphore cannot block indefinitely. To do so would hang
> wxPLViewer or the sender software. I think also there is no way to
> tell if a page is finished or whether there is more data to come.
> Therefore you must use non- blocking semaphores and poll them on
> regular intervals.

My assumption is the sending side knows exactly how many bytes it
needs to send.  And my preliminary analysis is that is exactly what
the present code calculates with the amountToCopy variable
in wxPLDevice::TransmitBuffer.  So with that assumption (and as
demonstrated by the mini-project) there is no need for non-blocking
semaphores or polling if you use the two-semaphore method.

Of course, this line of reasoning completely falls apart if
amountToCopy does not do what its name implies so please let
me know if there is some case where that calculation is unreliable.

My efficiency test results for the case where the -np option is not
used show the inefficiences of the present wxwidgets IPC are
negligible compared to wxPLViewer taking a long time (30 seconds for
example 8) to render the plot while other interactive devices take the
order of a second for this same task.  Most of this large time
interval occurs after -dev wxwidgets is completely finished so IPC
ineffiency cannot be the source of this wxPLViewer inefficiency for
cases like example 8 where large numbers of graphical elements are
being plotted.  Therefore, from this evidence you do have the polling
interval used in the present one-semaphore method tuned up fairly well
(at least for typical PC hardware). So my fundamental goal here is
making our wxwidgets IPC a lot simpler for POSIX systems by
eliminating the polling and the rest of the circular buffer logic for
that case.  I am hoping for some noticeable improvement in efficiency
due to this, but I am not counting on anything showing at all in that
regard until at least the non-IPC inefficiency of wxPLViewer is

In sum, it is "show the code" time.  That is, it is pretty clear what
I have said above has speculative elements and similarly for any
further replies you make (unless you know of some cases where
amountToCopy is definitely unreliable). So my focus from now on will
be to continue my project of implementing the two-semaphore method for
wxwidgets IPC. Once I have completed that implementation, we should
evaluate that code and obviously if it is simpler and there is at
least no drop in efficiency we should adopt it but otherwise not.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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