On 2017-02-12 22:51-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

> I plan to stick with my local instance approach for now (automatically
> constructing a PLTwoSemaphore instance and destroying it again for
> each call to my transmitBytes and receiveBytes methods), but move to
> the private object approach for efficiency later on once I understand
> (hopefully with some further help from you) exactly what it does at
> run time compared with the local instance approach.

Hi Phil:

I have thought a lot more about this efficiency question using my
current mental model of the private object approach (if we applied it
for the case of PLMemoryMap accessing PLTwoSemapores). Please correct
that mental model if I have made a mistake with it, but if that model
is correct, then I predict (see below) there will be negligible
efficiency differences between the present local instance approach and
the private object approach.

I assume to make PLTwoSemapores accessible as a private object from
PLMemoryMap, I would move the current code in the PLTwoSemapores
constructor to a create method, replace the current PLTwoSemapores
constructor with one without arguments that basically forces the two
semaphore addresses to be invalid (NULL) values, and move the current
destructor code to a delete method so the destructor becomes a no-op.
Then whenever PLMemoryMap was instantiated, the private PLTwoSemapores
object that is mentioned in its private: section is also automatically
instantiated (with the invalid addresses).  Then within transmitBytes
and receiveBytes methods, the create method for the private
PLTwoSemapores object is called first, and the destroy method for that
same object is called last.  And ultimately when the PLMemoryMap
object is destroyed, the no-op destructor for its private
PLTwoSemapores object is also automatically called.

If that is the correct model, then the code in create and destroy is
the same as in the current PLTwoSemapores instantiation and
destruction that occurs in the current transmitBytes and receiveBytes
methods.  So is your efficiency concern not that create and destroy
code, but other code that must be executed if you do a full-blown
instantiation and destruction of the PLTwoSemapores object?

Or are you also concerned with the cpu cycles required to call the
create and destroy methods for PLTwoSemapores every time the
transmitBytes and receiveBytes methods were called?  For example, you
_could_ call the appropriate create and destroy methods outside
transmitBytes and receiveBytes (and likely less often if you used a
lot of care), but I would prefer not to do that because that
non-locality makes the code much harder to understand (say when we
look at it again 5 years from now) and I believe the number of cpu
cycles saved should be negligible compared with the number of cpu
cycles actually required to execute transmitBytes and receiveBytes.

Come to think of it, the number of cpu cycles needed for a full-blown
instantiation and destruction of a PLTwoSemapores object within
transmitBytes and receiveBytes should also be negligible compared to
even just the cpu costs of the memcpy calls that do the necessary
chunking up of the array of bytes to be sent via shared memory with
transitBytes and the similar memcpy costs on the receiving end to
reassemble the array of bytes, and the argument becomes stronger if
you add in the times for sem_wait to finish on the transmission
and receive ends.

So unless my mental model above is incorrect, I predict we will find
no discernible difference in efficiency when comparing between the
current local instance approach and the private object approach at
least for the use of PLTwoSemapores by the transmitBytes and
receiveBytes methods of PLMemoryMap.  But I am willing to implement
the private object approach variant (controlled by a preprocessing
macro) and measure its efficiency compared with the current local
instance approach to confirm (or disprove) that prediction, and once
we have those test results, we can decide which approach to take.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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