Hi Alan et al

Please find attached some patches that show some bare bones start to using
setjmp and longjmp exception style error handling in plplot. Please have a
look at the log for a detailed description of what is going on and how it

What this is: A first start with enough code to show the basic principles
of how this could work.

What this isn't: A fully working version that should go anywhere near the
actual repo. I have only tested to see if it compiles, builds and that x00c
runs. In fact I get some tcl related exception on exit, which I'm not sure
if I just caused or if it was there before.

I am sending out this super early untested code that may still have major
bugs and is based on whatever (quite old) plplot source I happened to have
on my machine so that you can see the PRINCIPLES of how it works. And
because I have other stuff on today so I might not get chance to look at
this for a while and I know Alan was keen to see something asap. So feel
free to be critical, but please not too critical :-)

Alan, have a look, have a play. Thoughts welcome.


On 16 July 2017 at 00:24, <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Alan
> Proof of concept was a little more than 20 or so lines 😉
> I'll pull out the code I started and check where is stands.
> Phil
> Sent from my Windows 10 phone
> *From: *Alan W. Irwin <ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca>
> *Sent: *15 July 2017 21:50
> *To: *Phil Rosenberg <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>; Ole Streicher
> <debian-de...@liska.ath.cx>
> *Cc: *Hazen Babcock <hbabc...@mac.com>; andrewr...@users.sourceforge.net; 
> PLplot
> development list <plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Subject: *First proof-of-concept step requested to implement PLplot
> errorhandling
> On 2017-07-15 11:49+0200 Ole Streicher wrote:
> > Another (probable longer-standing) topic would be the use of exit() in
> > several libraries in case of error. That usually has the disadvantage
> > that it makes debugging more complicated, since you don't get a
> > stacktrace; abort() may be the better solution here. Any thoughts about
> > that?
> To Phil and Ole (with CC to Hazen and Andrew):
> @Phil:
> There is a key question for you at the end.
> @Ole:
> Here is some background on the issue you brought up above.
> An even more important issue with exit that concerns PLplot developers
> is, for example, some poor guy has been working on some interactive
> session for 4 hours, (e.g., octave) and then attempts to finish up by
> plotting his results, but he makes a wrong PLplot call ==> exit, loses
> all those 4 hours of work!  Not pretty!
> The obvious solution is to implement a proper error handling system
> for the PLplot libraries, bindings libraries, and device drivers that
> avoids the use of exit and simply propagates an error condition to
> whatever library or user routine calls PLplot routines if something
> goes wrong anywhere in any of the PLplot-related source code.
> We have discussed here fairly recently the best way to implement such
> an error handling system. There have been two schools of thought about
> how we implement that which I will attempt to summarize here.
> 1. Implement our error handling using normal C methods.  That is,
> change our API to return an error code for each PLplot routine that
> can possibly have an error condition or which calls a PLplot routine
> that itself could have an error condition. (This turns out to be most
> PLplot-related routines).  Then those error conditions codes must be
> checked and propagated further if necessary after virtually all
> returns from PLplot routines that occur within the PLplot libraries,
> bindings libraries, and device drivers.
> 2. Implement our error handling system using longjmp and setjmp
> See <http://www.di.unipi.it/~nids/docs/longjump_try_trow_catch.html>
> for an example of how to use those two C library routines (both
> available since c89 and also supported by Windows) to implement
> exception handling in C that is quite similar to exception handling in
> C++. I believe when Phil Rosenberg suggested a longjmp/setjmp based
> error handling system he was unaware of this example so his proposal
> likely varied in many details from this example.  But the overall
> principle was the same which is you can use these two functions to
> avoid the laborious process of having to propagate error codes via
> function return values.
> Andrew Ross and Hazen Babcock liked the first idea because it is the
> standard C way to implement error handling.  Phil and I liked the
> second idea because it is a lot less work (the PLplot call graphs are
> extraordinarily complex so there are potentially huge numbers of
> Plplot routine return values to check within the PLplot libraries,
> bindings libraries, and device drivers).
> The above reference on C exception handling mentioned an issue many C
> programmers have with longjmp/setjmp which is they are completely
> unfamiliar with their use.  And I think PLplot developers (including
> me) do indeed have such unfamiliarity concerns.  So to help us get
> more familiar with their use, I asked Phil the last time we discussed
> this to implement a simple proof of concept of his idea (e.g., a
> modification of plexit that unwinds the stack and delivers an error
> message to a single convenient place in our PLplot core library
> (likely our library initialization) where setjmp is called to set
> everything up.) I suspect Phil just plain forgot about that request
> due to other time pressures on him so I am taking this opportunity to
> make that request again.  :-)
> @Phil:
> I am still just as unfamiliar (except for what I read in man pages) as
> the rest of our developers with longjmp/setjmp. So are you game to
> implement such a simple proof-of-concept to help us become more
> familiar with those two routines?
> If so, how about dealing with it right away (after all, I think we are
> only dealing with something like ~20 lines of code) to avoid losing it
> again in your stack of PLplot e-mail? This variant of plexit should
> only be compiled if the user specifies the -DHAVE_ERROR_HANDLING=ON
> experimental CMake option which should default to NO to provide
> sufficient safety that if you act fast you can safely merge this with
> the master branch in time for the 5.13.0 release.
> The goal of such a simple proof of concept would merely be to confirm
> the stack was properly unwound by longjmp with a message right after
> the single place in the PLplot library that you call setjmp during
> library initialization.  If that call returns 0 (i.e., it is the
> initial call made during library initialization) then no message would
> be generated, but it it returns non-zero (i.e, the result of longjmp)
> then generate a "this proof-of-concept is working" message before (for
> now) exiting just like ordinary plexit does.  So this simple proof of
> concept would be restricted to inside the PLplot core library, and the
> gory details of how to propagate error reporting across the boundaries
> of our PLplot libraries, bindings library, and device drivers would be
> ignored for now.  Of course, this proof of concept would be far from a
> full solution for our much needed error handling system, but it could
> be a very important first step in achieving that important PLplot
> goal.  So how about taking that first step now?
> Alan
> __________________________
> Alan W. Irwin
> Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
> University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
> implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
> Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
> software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
> (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
> and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).
> __________________________
> Linux-powered Science
> __________________________

Attachment: 0001-Added-functions-that-will-record-memory-allocations-.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0002-Added-Memory-allocation-function-declarations-to-plp.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0003-Added-Exception-handling-macros-functions-variables.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0004-Add-some-test-code-for-exception-handling.patch
Description: Binary data

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