On 2017-10-03 12:34+0100 Phil Rosenberg wrote:

Can I also just check, in the end what was wrong with the previous
comms that I put in place? Didn't we eventually find that the source
of the delays was the random number generator for determining the name
of the shared memory and nothing to do with the actual comms?

You posted the above question as an add-on to the locate thread, but I
am replying to this question in the thread devoted to inefficiencies
(see the different subject line) just to keep our discussions of
different topics disentangled from each other.

That fix you refer to above was a huge Linux success that removed
order-of-magnitude inefficiencies with wxwidgets for most of our
standard examples. But resolution of that one ineffienciy still left
some order-of-magnitude inefficiences for the wxwidgets device for
just a small subset of the examples such as example 17 and example 8.

Furthermore, the problem with those complex examples is we can only
make informed speculation about the cause of the wxwidgets
inefficiencies for them so I have decided to make much simpler test
examples (see below) which respectively call plline many times and
plfill many times to test the speculations that it is many separate
graphical line elements and many separate graphical fill elements that
are the source of the respective wxwidgets inefficiencies for examples
17 and 8.

Simple plline test.

This simple example is a variant of standard C example 00 (see
attached patch so you can check the efficiency of this simple test
yourself) that creates 50000 distinct medium-sized right triangles,
and for each of them calls plline.

Simple plfill test.

This simple example is a variant of standard C example 00 (see
attached patch so you can check the efficiency of this simple test
yourself) that creates 50000 distinct medium-sized right triangles,
and for each of them calls plfill.

Here are the timed results (from the launch of the core example to end
of rendering (by core example in most cases, but by wxPLViewer in the
wxwidgets case). Note the wxwidgets result is for default wxwidgets
(new version of that device and IPC3).  In all cases I did not use the
-np option.  Thus, to stop the rendering in a timely manner I had to
lean on the enter key with the cursor pointing at the GUI so the GUI
had focus and could interpret that key strike as end the GUI.

device              plline test    plfill test
default wxwidgets   26  seconds    32  seconds
old wxwidgets       18  seconds    30  seconds
xcairo              1.4 seconds    2.2 seconds
qtwidget            1.5 seconds    1.6 seconds
xwin                9.5 seconds    3.4 seconds

So from these timing results both plline and plfill are an
order-of-magnitude less efficient for -dev wxwidgets (both new and old
versions) than for the bulk (everything but the plline case for xwin)
of the other interactive devices on Linux.

Can we say the same thing for the Windows (MSVC) platform?  To
establish that important answer, please do the equivalent timing
results for these two simple examples on Windows where the table of
results you should collect similar to the above should be for the
default wxwidgets, old wxwidgets, wingcc, and wingdi devices.  Once
we have that answer we should be able to figure out further strategies
for finding the source of these large plline and plfill -dev wxwidgets

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

Linux-powered Science

Attachment: plline_example_patch.gz
Description: x00c.c patch for the 50000 plline calls test

Attachment: plfill_example_patch.gz
Description: x00c.c patch for the 50000 plfill calls test

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