I have just pushed plplot-5.15.0-46-gd6670a304

The principal change here is I have improved the test_d implementation
to make it conform more closely to what I have planned for -pthread
handling for the plplot project case.  In addition, I have updated
the test_d README file to reflect the fact that the -Xcc feature
for dmd that we need for -pthread handling for that D compiler has
evolved from an experimental dmd feature to mainstream (on the dmd git
master branch and scheduled to be part of the dmd 2.089.0 release on
November 1st).  In addition, I have substantially updated the instructions
concerning how to build that master branch version of dmd.

This version of test_d shows no regressions compared to the previous
version and like that version continues to force use of -pthread on
most platforms (e.g., Linux, Mac OS X, and MSYS2) to provide a strong
test with this project that truly reflects the -pthread handling needs
of the plplot project.

@Takeshi: I am sorry it took me so long to mature test_d, but now that
has occurred could you please test the (updated) test_d project on your
Mac OS platform following what the (updated) cmake/test_d/README file
says?  Note in order to do this test (and also to test the plplot
project later) you will need a CMake version built from a recent
master branch (I think you already have that) and similarly for dmd.

For your convenience I have attached my current bash script for
building dmd.  I suggest (after looking through it to confirm that
what it does is consistent with the build instructions in the above
README file) you run it in a dedicated directory (so the git clones
that occur and the creation of the install subdirectory that contains
the install tree don't mess up anything else) as follows:

./dmd_git_build.sh HEAD

to build dmd and associated libraries for the HEAD of the master
branch of the set of four repositories that are required.  Note, the
script takes a lot of care so that you can run the same command days
later (to get access to the latest HEAD master branch result on that
day) without stale file issues from the previous build within
the same dedicated directory.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes with the required dmd build
(unless you want to wait for (a) the dmd 2.089.0 release on November
1st and (b) the MacPorts packaging of that release that will
presumably be finished substantially later).  And once that build
is done, I am, of course, interested in your comprehensive test
results for the (substantially updated) test_d project.

Alan W. Irwin

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.org); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

Linux-powered Science

Attachment: dmd_git_build.sh.gz
Description: (compressed) bash script for building dmd on Posix platforms

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