I have managed to further isolate the issue and I've attached a minimum
example. Internal integer pixel units are a factor, so it might not show up
on all devices. This example shows up the error on my Windows machine with
the wxWidgets device.

The example draws a single rectangle using plfill, but the rectangle itself
is well outside the range of the axes. Despite the position of the
rectangle, the result is that the whole plot area is filled.

The bug occurs when drawing polygons with a very high aspect ratio (tall
and thin), outside the plot area in certain positions. It may even only
happen for polygons one internal plot unit wide.

As part of the plP_plfclp code, we check if each of the bottom left corner
of the plot area is within the polygon and if no edges of the polygon
intersect the plot area. If both these conditions are true, the polygon
must cover the whole plot area, so we fill it all. To check if the bottom
left corner is within the polygon, we trace a ray from that point in a
particular direction. If the ray crosses an even number of polygon edges
the point is external and if it crosses an odd number of edges then the
point is internal. The crossings are checked by a function called
notcrossed and they are accumulated over a whole polygon by a function
called notpointinpolygon.

However, there is some ambiguity due to floating point arithmetic when
lines are close to parallel and intersections are close to vertices. Hence,
notcrossed can return 0 (crossed) 1 (notcrossed) and a series of other
values indicating that we are uncertain if we have crossed or not. One of
those return values is PL_NEAR_PARALLEL(32), however, notpointinpolygon
does not check for this and counts it as true, i.e. not crossed. In almost
all scenarios, the return of PL_NEAR_PARALLEL for one edge, results in a
PL_NEAR_POINT (where POINT is A1, A2, B1 or B2) return for another edge.
This return value is picked up by notpointinpolygon and is reflected in its
return value, so this bug almost never manifests.

However, it turns out that a polygon edge with size of 1 internal unit, if
intersected, will always generate a PL_NEAR_PARALLEL return value, even if
the lines are close to perpendicular. this is treated as not crossed. If
the polygon has a large aspect ratio, the ray can intersect another edge
significantly far from its ends that it does not trigger a PL_NEAR_POINT
return value. notpointinpolygon therefore misses one edge intersection and
incorrectly thinks the point is in the polygon.

Where this happens for the bottom left corner, and no edges cross the plot
area we end up filling the whole box. Although it might seem like this is
very unlikely, if you use plshades to do a contour plot  with very fine
horizontal resolution and much coarser vertical resolution and zoom in on
the y axis to crop some of the data out, then it turns out to be almost
inevitable that at least one polygon will trigger the problem. In my case
I'm plotting data from a meteorological lidar - high temporal resolution,
coarser vertical resolution.

To fix this I've written an optimised version of notcrossed, called
notcrossedhorizontalray. This uses a horizontal ray rather than a ray to a
point near the polygon. It uses entirely boolean logic and integer maths
except for one division, so it should be accurate. I updated
notpointinpolygon to use the new function and recognise the unsure case. I
added some extra checks in plP_plfclp. I attach a patch if anyone wants to
test it. Clearly I'm not the first person to wrestle with this code as
there is another commented out version. In my
code USE_FILL_INTERSECTION_POLYGON is not defined, so there is a large
chunk of code unused. I don't know if this gets used in some builds, but
maybe it could be cleaned up if not.

If nobody objects I will commit the change to the repo


On Wed, 10 May 2023 at 10:38, Phil Rosenberg <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>

> Hi again
> I just found a bug in plP_plfclp.
> I hit a scenario where during a plshades call, my whole window (including
> outside the x and y limits of the data) got filled with one of the colours.
> I've traced this to plP_plfclp, the drawable variable and notpointinpolygon.
> What happens is that, while filling one polygon the bottom left corner
> gets incorrectly assigned as inside the polygon and drawable gets
> incorrectly assigned as false. This results in plP_plfclp thinking that the
> polygon encircles the whole plot window and the plot window gets filled
> with the colour.
> I haven't had chance to check why drawable ends up as false, however, the
> error in notpointinpolygon comes from notcrossed returning
> PL_NEAR_PARALLEL. notpointinparallel doesn't deal with this special return
> value and instead treats it as returning true. In this particular case, it
> should be returning false and so everything goes wrong.
> I suggest a couple of fixes.
> in notpointinpolygon, we should check if the point is outside the polygon
> bounding box. This will catch many of the near parallel cases.
> For the reminder we then need a better way to find a point to do the ray
> tracing or to catch the special codes and then choose another point. This
> is easier to do when we know the point is close to the polygon, because
> then moving our ray tracing point has a bigger effect. We can also afford
> to do some more complicated maths here because almost all cases will be
> picked up by the bounding box case.
> I'll work on this a bit today and send round a patch for people to review
> if they wish before committing.
> Thanks
> Phil

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    PLFLT x[] = {  0.00104,      0.00108,      0.00108,      0.00104 };
    PLFLT y[] = { 10.0, 10.0, 7.1051593, 7.1051593, };

    plparseopts(&argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL);

    // Initialize plplot

    // Create a labelled box to hold the plot.
    plenv(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0);

    //draw the plot
    plfill(4, x, y);


Attachment: 0001-Fix-point-in-polygon.patch
Description: Binary data

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