Hello Plplot
I am at present migrating some PlPlot programs from Windows 10 to linux
(mint 64 bit),
To facilitate this I have downloaded cmake and Plplot-5.15.0.tar.gz from
your website.
Following the instructions from your wiki I built an installation
consisting of static
libraries. In order to test the installation  I wrote a very simple program

#include <stdio.h>
#include "plplot.h"
int main()
 printf("Plotting example\n");
 plsdev("ps"); plsfnam("TestPlplot.ps");plinit();
 plenv(-1.0 , 1.0 ,-1.0,1.0,1,2);
 printf("Plot finished\n");
 return 1;
and attempted to compile it with

gcc -c -I /home/peter/plplot/install_directory/include/plplot PlPlotTest.c
gcc -o PlPlotTest.exe PlPlotTest.o  -L
/home/peter/plplot/install_directory/lib  -lplplot -lcsirocsa  -lqsastime
-lm -lX11

An object file PlPlotTest.o was generated with no errors, but the linking
failed with the messages:

/home/peter/plplot/install_directory/lib/libplplot.a(xwin.c.o): in function
xwin.c:(.text+0x470): undefined reference to `pthread_mutexattr_init'

/usr/bin/ld: xwin.c:(.text+0x481): undefined reference to
/usr/bin/ld: xwin.c:(.text+0x519): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
/home/peter/plplot/install_directory/lib/libplplot.a(xwin.c.o): in function
xwin.c:(.text+0xcd0): undefined reference to `pthread_cancel'
/usr/bin/ld: xwin.c:(.text+0xcec): undefined reference to `pthread_join'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I am very new to linux. Can you tell me what the linking should be?
Best Wishes, Peter

Peter Williams
27 Ramsbury Road, St. Albans, AL1 1SN, UK
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