middle and center are synonymous (and can be used in both horizontal
and vertical directions).


On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Matthias Felleisen
<matth...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> This should be
> (overlay/places "center" "middle"
>                (rotate  0 a)
>                (rotate 20 a)
>                (rotate 40 a)
>                (rotate 60 a))
> not
>  .. "middle" "middle" ...
> correct?
> On Nov 14, 2009, at 1:18 AM, John Clements wrote:
>> On Sep 26, 2009, at 6:29 AM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>>> 1. htdp/world is deprecated, use 2htdp/universe instead.
>>> 2. we consider the pinhole approach to our image library as a mistake. To 
>>> solve the problem Robby is working on 2htdp/image, a replacement for the 
>>> image library. When it comes out (end of semester probably) it will support 
>>> rotate and other such operations, plus comparisons will be much faster.
>> I'm surprised to say it, but right now I'm *really missing the pinhole*.
>> I'm trying to write a function in 2htdp/image that draws, say, 36 copies of 
>> a shape arranged in a big "circle" around a center.  With pinholes, this was 
>> easy.  Move the pinhole way off to the left, then rotate the thing around 
>> the pinhole by 10 degrees, 20 degrees, etc. Overlay them all, and you're 
>> done. [*]
>> With the new approach, I'm finding this nearly impossible.  The natural 
>> approach involves, for instance, putting the thing "beside" a long 
>> horizontal space, and then rotating it.  The problem is that it doesn't 
>> rotate about a fixed point.  To see the problem, consider this program:
>> (require 2htdp/image)
>> (define a (beside (rectangle 150 2 "solid" "black") (ellipse 10 50 "solid" 
>> "purple")))
>> (overlay/places "middle" "middle"
>>                (rotate  0 a)
>>                (rotate 20 a)
>>                (rotate 40 a)
>>                (rotate 60 a))
>> The problem is that mapping a point in the pre-rotation shape to a point in 
>> the post-rotation shape is hard.
>> ...
>> After wrestling with this for quite a while, I have a solution of sorts; you 
>> have to overlay the shape you want to rotate on a large outline circle in 
>> such a way that the shape is entirely inside the circle. Rotating this shape 
>> does not change the bounding box at all, meaning that you can overlay them 
>> correctly. Needless to say, computing the size of the circle required is a 
>> big pain.
>> E.G.:
>> (define b (overlay/xy (circle 200 "outline" "blue") 200 200 a))
>> (overlay
>> (rotate  0 b)
>> (rotate 20 b)
>> (rotate 40 b)
>> (rotate 60 b))
>> Am I missing something obvious?
>> John
>> [*] with the obvious caveat that the old version didn't rotate shapes at all.
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