On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Roger Prokic wrote:

> No offense to Dirk. But, you seriously need to find a better home for
> the Windows version of Plucker. His server has not been online for
> quite some time now. I'm sure either Tucows, PalmGear or Handango
> would host it as they do the other million palm software titles.

Most of these sites just point to your ftp site, so that will
not solve the problem.

Tucows host the file for you, as do (I think) ZDNet.
Tucows takes weeks to get around to it - a meatspace problen :-)

It is nice to be able to see the download stats off your server.

Other sites (like the french PDAFrance.com, and cnet, who own all
the generics like download.com) even point their screenshot URL
to your server - also makes you feel important :-)

I am happy to offer Dirk my ftp server, at a CoLo hotel with Hostpro,
if he needs it.

Cheers,   Andy!

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