> Reply-To set to the plucker-dev list
> Further discussions about this topic please there.
> --------------------------

I really don't have enough background to comment, but I will anyway! :-)

How about recasting all of the config files in XML/XHMTL and use standard 
visual editors for this information?  Surely, the "home" page would be
a natural for this.

If there is a concern that XML editors are potentially overly complicated
and immature, you could go with just HTML (or XHTML).

One issue might be that the extra information in <A ...> tags like
STAYBELOW and STAYONHOST, etc.  would not be maintained correctly by
all HTML editors.  

Has anyone ever thought to move those extra fields out to HTML comments
between the <A> and the </A>?

> "Peter" == Peter Cock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Peter> I was thinking about doing this - would a Visual Basic front end be OK,
> Peter> which just called the tools Dirk has written.
> The two ideas i keep in mind are:
>  - Have a GUI. If the User hit the "Create DB" Button the program
>    create a Temporary Directory in the Temp Dir and crate a Home.html
>    and a plucker.ini on the Fly there. Then it call plucker-buil with
>    the Temp dir as the Working Directory. If plucker-build are done the
>    Errorlevel result could be checked to see if all OK.
>  or
>  - use the current layout. The infos are in the <DBHANDLE>.DB
>    subdirectorys. For the GUI read the infos here, show this in a GUI.
>    Call the RunSync <DBHANDLE> to start the build process.
>  You could Ckeck the Reg Keys in
>  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\The Plucker Team\Plucker
>  to get the infos about the plucker software.
>  The Tool could be included in the Plucker-install or this could be a
>  separate install.
>  Do you are interested to write something?
> Peter> i.e. Would anyone have a problem with using a proprietary M$ langauge?
> No (OK, i do not like VB, but that's my problem :-)
> Peter> I envisage something like the iSiloWeb program, with a visual way of
> Peter> setting options (rather than editing the plucker.ini file by hand).
> Yes, i guess many people would like that. For the beginner it is maybe
> a big Help. For the advanced i still think that the current way are
> faster to use so i wan't keep this (We could have both).

Certainly having the "home" and "setup" as HTML would allow both styles of
configuration management cleanly.

> Peter> Once I had realised that Dirk meant everything to be controlled using
> Peter> the start menu, how to use Plucker made a lot more sense.  I would agree
> Peter> that a simple set by set guide for beginners using Plucker on Windows
> Peter> would be nice.
> Agreed, more Help needed.
> cu,
>  Dirk
> -- 
> Permanent URLs to the latest Version (1.1SR3) of the Plucker Windows installer
>  - For the Webpage: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker
>  - Direct Download: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker/plucker.exe [2.79MB]

-Jordan Henderson

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