There have been some messages in comp.sys.palmtops.pilot about plucker
recently.  One regarding Plucker not supporting strikethrough (<s>
isn't it?) which shouldn't be too hard to add?  The other is
reproduced below -- is there a problem with the mailing list?

Subject: Re: [patch] plucker-build fails on HREF/IMG without full HTTP URL
Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops.pilot
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 08:27:51 -0400

MJ Ray wrote:

> Peter W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have cobbled together a quick workaround which is attached below,
> > but there really ought to be a better solution, right?
> Is this that problem with RedHat's python packages, mentioned in the
> Plucker FAQ?

Could be. The FAQ blames Red hat 7.[01], but I'm using 6.2. Maybe it's
not only RH 7.x that stinks, though I'm curious about the suggestion to
install Python 2.0... perhaps Plucker doesn't work with older versions?

> You'd be much better asking this on the plucker mailing
> lists...

I'd rather ask on the Plucker mailing list, but the subscription
information doesn't seem to work; I got no response at all from my
signup attempt.



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