Dirk brought up a good point that most people might not know what a 'tick'
is. Though it is explained in the 'tips' file of the form, a better UI is
not to have to have people looking in the docs for what things do. Will
change as you suggest, to seconds or milliseconds.

Best wishes,

> "MJ" == MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> The other thing. In settings you could set the Autoscroll delay in
> >> "Ticks", i guess many users with no programing experience are confused
> >> by the "Ticks". Maybe give this setting in seconds a better?
> MJ> Do Ticks vary between machines?
> Don't know, but AFAIK there are SysTicksPerSecond() that should give
> the right value.
> cu,
>  Dirk
> --
> Permanent URLs to the latest Version (1.1.11) of the Plucker
> Windows installer
>  - For the Webpage: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker
>  - Direct Download: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker/plucker.exe [2.94MB]

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