"David A. Desrosiers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>       The question becomes.. should we make this type of information
> available on the website? Or should we leave it off, because of the
> potential "transcoding" concerns? I think I know Mike's opinion on this one,
> but I'd like to hear from others.

Maybe just having configuration file sections which we can download in
some simple way is good enough?  That way, we'd always get the latest
info, whenever we sync.

>       If anyone hasn't noticed, I'm trying to brush up on my perl a bit
> more because there's a whole bunch of new things coming soon... but I'd like
> to do something a bit more interactive on the site to keep people coming
> back.

Not interested in a more modern language like Ruby, then?  ;-)

      This is my personal web site =-> http://mjr.towers.org.uk/
         http://www.alug.org.uk/ <-- This is the LUG I go to
I work for this clever internet developer ==> http://www.luminas.co.uk/

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