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        I was helping an OSX user today with a netpbm problem using
pluck-comics. Having never used it before, I decided to poke around with
pluck-comics and see if I could replicate the issue.

        I found a couple of slight issues with pluck-comics. The smallest of
the issues is that two of the comics are no longer available (Ziggy and New
Yorker). I can update the .list file and commit it later, this is minor.

        The second one though, is quite ugly. Run plucker-build against
comics stored in /var/spool/netcomics using the following syntax:

plucker-build -H file:/var/spool/netcomics/comicname-20020610.gif \
              -f /tmp/Comics-0610 --zlib-compression --bpp=4      \

        I used "Beetle Baily" to test this. Load the pdb onto your Palm
device (using Mike's latest beta from sslug.dk). Tap on the comic name in
the DocLib, it will launch full-screen, no toolbar or anything. So far so
good... except..

        .. if you try to show the toolbar on the bottom (Menu->Bottom
Toolbar), you'll get a nice error:

                Plucker (1.2beta8) called SysFatalAlert with
                the message:
                "Form.c, Line:1728, Object not in form".

        Selecting "Top Toolbar" flashes the toolbar, then removes it. I
understand why this happens (image is too large), but shouldn't it be a
scrollable image? I tried changing the image {alt}maxwidth and height to no
avail. The page always removes the scrollbar and toolbar when the image is
shown (latest parser, latest built viewer).

        Just wanted to file that away before 1.2 is released.


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