
Is DOC compression on image records actually supported by the Viewer?

My DOC compression implementation (in Java) works well on Text records and
URL records, I see no errors there. But when I view a DOC-compressed image
in the Viewer, I see a disjointed pixel mess that vaguely resembles the
original image. *However*, the Viewer does not report any errors (nor does
POSE) and does display the image with the correct dimensions. The image just
sits there looking weird.

How does the Python distiller handle this? When a document is
DOC-compressed, does it attempt to apply DOC compression to Image records as

TBMP data usually does not compress well under DOC compression. Most of the
time the DOC-compressed data is larger than the original TBMP bitmap data.
In the rare case that it is smaller, the compression ratio is nothing to
write home about.


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