I've successfully hooked up my Java conduit (on Windows) to the JPluck
parser code.  This is what it does:

      user hits hotsync button
      read plucker.ini and grab all the section headings from plucker
      run JPluck parser with the info (url, doc name, etc.) from the ini
      sync the resulting records to the palm

To do:
      write the url info records
      couple more options to get from ini
      progress indicator
      get ini location from system
      installation program
      find some way to select which channel should run automatically using
the conduit (Robert?)

Once I get these issues worked out, I'll post the code up on my site.  I
also plan to hook it to Bill's Jython parser code once he gets the new
stuff together.

What this means is that users can setup their channels using the plucker
desktop and then have them sync each day when they press the hotsync
button.  I think this would be a good option for users who only need to
sync 1 or 2 channels each day.


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