While we're on the subject of feature requests, I'd like to ask, beg,
plead for:

* optional use of hardkeys:
   contacts - start/stop autoscroll
   up - speed up autoscroll
   down - slow down autoscroll
   to-do - pop up bookmarks

  these three are present on reader apps like weasel and cspotrun, and
  they make a HUGE difference when actually sitting down and reading

* new option in the plucker-build tool (say, [--bookmark-hlevel=n]), so
that heading levels less than a certain number can be optionally added
to the bookmarks list. For example, '--bookmark-hlevel=2' would mean
than <h2> and <h1> tags get added to bookmarks, where
'--bookmark-hlevel=1' would mean that only '<h1>' tags get added.
Default at 1 perhaps.

With these two features added, Plucker and plucker docs can be used as a
'superset' of regular e-books.

Lastly, stretching the bounds of sanity a little, it would be nice if
Plucker could handle regular e-books (DOC format and zLib format) as


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