On Sun, Oct 27, 2002 at 11:38:25AM -0800, Eric J Schwertfeger wrote:
> HandEra has something like JogAssist, though nowhere near as full
> featured.  Neither the user nor the programmer have to be aware of it,
> because if the program's event handler returns handled when it gets a
> jogdial event, nothing else is done with that event, so the jogdial
> helper never sees the event.  This matches the way events are handled just
> about everywhere in the PalmOS API.  (skipping detailed lecture, since I
> think everyone on this list should know what I'm talking about).

Although the whole 'handled = true' setup in PalmOS's programming
method is simple, its actually very powerful in a serial way, once you
get the idea behind the order/hierarchy on how everything works.

> On the other hand, with the Sony JogAssist API, either the user must turn
> off JogAssist for that application, or the programmer must futz with API
> calls to turn off (some|all) JogAssist functions on (some|all) forms.
> Otherwise, the application never even sees the raw events.  It isn't a
> really bad way to do it, but it isn't the PalmOS way, and I think the
> PalmOS way is better, even if the PalmOS way isn't precident.  I do see
> how people would prefer the Sony way if it wasn't being used in a system
> that does everything a different way, as that would be a matter of taste.

I agree. Though I like how Sony handles its jogdial events, I dislike
the jogassist program itself. It makes too many assumptions. That's
why in jogdial.c's HandleJogAssistMask() I wrote:

/* Because JogAssist is inconvenient at best, we need to check
 * if its enabled, back up the current mask and set our own to
 * block any JogAssist-ing while plucker is running. */

There havn't been any complaints, partly becuase of the level of
native jogdial support, so everything seems to be running fine with it
disabled :)

Adam McDaniel
Calgary, AB, Canada

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