> ..if we have the sources lying around.

        That's the crux exactly. Unless someone has the source, we're stuck.
As far as I know, nobody has actually received the source Dirk is using for
those tools. Anyone else happen to have the source from Dirk?

> Could you add something to the Plucker Desktop section in the left column
> that says it includes the "distiller/parser".  Something like, if you want
> to prepare your own content (as opposed to the sample ones you have), the
> Plucker Desktop contains everything you need?  And maybe something to the
> viewer section that says that if you only want to read already prepared
> material, the viewer is all you need?

        Sure. This sounds doable.

> Do you really have users writing demanding that their bug/problem be fixed
> immediately?

        I think we all get personal email about things that Plucker doesn't
do, maybe not on the list, but in general, most users don't like joining
mailing lists and getting deluged with mail, they just see something they
don't like, and send mail hoping it will be fixed. The situation is
definately better than it used to be, which is largely due to the larger
number of users, but the same issues tend to exist.

        Having a good, responsive mailing list full of helpful users, good
facilities to getting the source and reporting bugs has improved the
"responsibility" of the project considerably, and the users appreciate it.

> I've not seen such mail on this list in the past 6 months or so.  I dare
> say Plucker stuff seems to get fixed faster than most of the commercial
> software I use.

        I agree, but the subtle difference is that there is no license or
guarantee in place that says we have to fix everything and anything that
comes up. We almost always do, but the important part is to make sure that
the users realize that this matures at its own pace, not necessarily at the
pace of "industry". Lots of people have asked for/complained about features
that <other products they use> happen to do, and ask us "when" will Plucker
support those things.

        Maybe I'm just ranting, but I see this increasing more and more
every day, across many more Free Software projects than just Plucker. Just
because Product-X contains Feature-Y, and the user likes it, doesn't mean it
should automatically appear in Plucker. Just my 0.02c, but I'm only one
person, and everyone else has their own motivations and opinions of course.

> It just seems like the wording makes it out to be beta software instead of
> a real product.

        What defines it as a "product"? It's stable, it's released, and it
probably doesn't work for everyone on every platform, and it's constantly
evolving. I still consider Plucker a beta piece of software, even if it runs
without a problem on my device. I'll give the site another once-over and see
what I can do to clarify the verbage over the next few days to make sure
people don't assume that it is beta in the normal "Windows" notion of it.

> Also, should I just send these kinds of comments to you alone instead of
> the list?

        Sure, unless you'd like to solicit some comments from others.

> PS your signature is 9 lines long! ;-)

        It's actually just 3 lines long (two and a separating space), and
the gpg signature is appended below that after I send the message (which is
not technically a signature). Unfortunately, I can't control the length of
the gpg sig, so I try to only use it when I need to validate my email. I'll
ditch it for the list posts unless I'm posting new tool/product/whatever
announcements. Sometimes it's just habit to ^N in my MUA to add it.


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