At 07:53 PM 11/18/2002  +0100, Michael Nordström wrote:
On Mon, Nov 18, 2002, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>       Show me where in the HTML spec, pods:// appears as a valid protocol.

Well, if support was added for the javascript version that Robert
mentioned then it wouldn't be such a big deal to support pods, too.

Can't say I understand the benefit of using these "history back" links,
though; when you create a site you usually know what page it should
go back to, so why not use that link from the very beginning? Using
a "history back" link can never guarantee what page you will go back
I agree in application... when reading a Plucked document especially, I want specifically to go back to where I just came from. But I'm rather unlikely to pull out the stylus to click on an element for it anyhow; I've got back mapped to a hardkey.

In reality, I've built quite a number of websites where "back" is relative to which path I took. For hypothetical example, a description of a Ford Mustang could come from "Cars" - "Muscle" - "Ford Mustang", or from "Cars" - "Ford" - "Ford Mustang" or from "Classics" - "Ford Mustang" or even from "Movies" - "Gone in 60 Seconds" - "Cast: Eleanor". Most news pages have links to the same story in several categories, such as Top News, Financial, People, etc.

Which brings up an orthagonal question for me. The links don't get crossed-out on one page when the same destination has been visited from another page. Do they get stored multiple times even though Plucker knows to only pluck each once, or is that just a UI issue?

-Tony McNamara-

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