
Why does the Python parser not use the middle dot (#183 in the ISO-8859-1
set) for the bullet? It generates this small o that just looks out-of-place.
The Plucker document specification states that text records are a stream of
ISO-8859-1 characters, so why not use the middle dot?

I've implemented parsing and generation of bulleted and ordered lists (<ul>
and <ol>) in JPluck, which does use the middle dot. It looks great BTW.
Nested lists are also supported well with proper indentation for different
list levels. However, I can only get the indentation right by "cheating"with
margin functions. Now, it seems to me that this method is not compatible
across platforms  and different device resolutions, since the margin
function uses absolute pixels rather than relative widths. Or do the
different viewers takes this into account and scale the margins properly?

I think there is a case for supporting lists properly, with the proper
indentation so they look right, rather than relying on hard-coded margin
formatting to get the intended effect. Unless there is something I'm


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