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> The following regexp strips most of the Microsoft "XML" crap, e.g. <![if
> !supportEmptyParas]> :
> s/<\![^>]*>//g;

        Very nice. I've modified your regex a bit and extended it, here's
some more code to play with (based on some other ideas from people) below.

        There's also Wp2Html[1], which is supposed to do quite a good job of
converting the MS-HTML (and WordPerfect) back to "normal" HTML. I haven't
tried it, so if someone could give it a go and let me know, I can add that
to the FAQ as well.

        Some other tools to look at are HTML tidy[2], demoroniser[3], wv[4],
and WordFilter[5]. Each has their own niche. I prefer the perl solution of

        Another alternate solution, to grab the actual data out of a
Microsoft Word document directly, is using this small snippet:

        use strict;     # of course!
        use Win32::OLE; # will only install on Win32 systems
        my $word        = Win32::OLE->new('word.application');
        my $doc         = $word->Documents->Open('C:\file.doc');
        # Your data is in $text
        my $text        = $doc->{Text};

- ----
# Select the core attributes to ignore
my @ignore_attr = qw (bgcolor background color face style link alink vlink
                      text onblur onchange onclick ondblclick onfocus
                      onkeydown onkeyup onload onmousedown onmousemove
                      onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onreset onselect
                      onunload class xmlns:w xmlns:o xmlns

# tags to ignore
my @ignore_tags = qw(font big small body dir html div span);

# tags to drop with content
my @ignore_elements = qw(script style head o:p);

sub un_mshtml {
        use HTML::TreeBuilder;

        my $input = shift;
        my $warn  = 0;
        my $htmlex;

        my $h = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;

        # Drop all unwanted tags
        foreach (@Conf::ignore_tags) {
                $htmlex = 1, next if lc($_) eq "html";
                while ( my $ok = $h->look_down( '_tag', "$_" ) ) {

        # Drop all unwanted elements (tags w/content)
        foreach (@Conf::ignore_elements) {
                while ( my $ok = $h->look_down( '_tag', "$_" ) ) {

        # Drop all unwanted attributes
        foreach my $attr (@Conf::ignore_attr) {
                while (my $ok = $h->look_down(
                        sub { defined($_[0]->attr($attr)) } ))
                        $ok->attr($attr, undef);

        # Drop unwanted script code <![....]>
        foreach my $ok ( $h->look_down( sub {
                grep { /^<\s*!\[.+?\]\s*>$/ } $_[0]->content_list;


        my $output = $h->as_HTML( undef, " ", {} );

        # params = entities to encode, indent, optional endtags
        $h = $h->delete();
        if ($htmlex) {
                $output =~ s:^\s*<html>::m;
                $output =~ s:</html>\s*$::m;
        return $output;

[1] http://www.res.bbsrc.ac.uk/wp2html/
[2] http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/
[3] http://www.perl.com/language/misc/demoroniser
[4] http://www.wvware.com
[5] http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/Msohtmf2.aspx


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