I need some people to test the next beta of JPluck before I release
it publically.

Well I had to go find a windoze machine to test. I see no reason why you couldn't zipped these files for the Linux folks right now. Most of us know how to install such things without the hand holding (including converting the .bat files)

Anyway, I have a default installation of the 1.4.1 JDK on my w2k box, but there is no association between a .jar file and either java.exe or javaw.exe. This means that your shortcut, as installed, fails on this machine. I had to cd to the installation directory and issue a "java -jar jpluckx.jar" from the command line.

Secondly, I have a very standard .html file that I use with plucker-build that JPluck does not seem to handle. It has lines like:


<p><a href=

"http://printer.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=30076"; maxdepth="2" stayonhost="">Roswell Weather</a></p>

<h2>World News</h2>

<p><a href="http://mobile.abcnews.go.com/pocketpc/abcnews"; maxdepth="2" stayonhost="">ABC News</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.fool.com/partners/avantgo/index.htm"; maxdepth="2" stayonhost="">The Motley Fool</a></p>


to collect many sites in one .pdb file. JPluck fails on this. Any plans to support such a file, or do I need to configure differently that I did for the test?


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