At 01:46 PM 1/22/2003  -0800, Gregory Crow wrote:
I've been trying to build the desktop app under windows using Microsoft Visual C++. All is well until I get to the following file:
This is the error that I'm receiving:
C:\dev\plucker1.3 Beta\plucker_desktop\palm_installer_msw.cpp(211) : error C2065: 'DirExists' : undeclared identifier
I'm new to developing in the windows world, so I'm not sure where I would find this function and what I need to include/import into the code to get access to the DirExists function. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is a wxWindows function from wx\filefn.h.  Have you downloaded and compiled wxWindows, and set your include and link directories in your project to those matching where you put wxWindows?

        -Tony Mcnamara-

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