On 8 Feb 2003 at 14:21, David A. Desrosiers wrote:

>       Very interesting threads going on related to "screen scraping"
> (basically unauthorized spidering). Worth a read, follow the threads:
My understanding wehen I looked at the rules over this issue, was that:

(1) If web content is posted the internet http:// on port 80, there is implicit 
permission to 
access it and read it locally. AFAIK deep-linking cases have never gotten off the 
ground very 
much, since it is the server's responsibility to redirect if they are coming from 

(2) You can use whatever agent you want to download it (not just a well-known 
webbrowser), even 
agents that strip out ads, replace offensive words with asterisks, whatever you want. 
someone wants to see their movie wearing sunglasses so the content they is filtered to 
a darker 
color, that is their fair use right.

(3) You just cannot redistribute the edited/scraped work without permission. There was 
a home 
movie company that is cutting out the violent scenes from movies to sell to families 
with small 
kids. I doubt they will survive. More likely, the original content producers will 
start their 
own DVD option, so they can sell more copies to viewers who want to watch as a family 
small kids.

Best wishes,
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