Fringe Ryder wrote:

At 03:47 PM 2/13/2003  -0800, Taras wrote:

2. Anyone who is using exclusively the Pocket PC... doesn't need Plucker for offline web browsing. They can use a regular spider such as HT Track and then, very easily, simply copy the entire structure over to the PPC where it will load-and-run just fine.

No you can't. At least I haven't found a way to do that. Plucker can download a website with thousands of files into a pdb file..and then it goes onto the palm as a single file. I have yet to find a pocketpc program capable of viewing a website in a file. For example my 2mb plucker databases translate into ~6000 files(html and jpgs), copying them into a palm takes several minutes as a pdb file. Copying the directory with this website takes hours on the pocketpc. Their activesync filemanager stuff has some sort of a strange delay in between individual files which makes it impractical to copy hundreds of files.
So the only reason I need a plucker viewer on pocketpc is to get around this particular problem :(. Do you happen to know of a way to copy many files in a timely manner?

Yeah, zip 'em up and then use UnZip, ezyUnZip or another PPC utility to unzip them on the other side. I do that for large files even when moving across a typical network, because the processing time is dwarfed by the transfer time.
I've tried that. But then you run into a problem.
a) you now have to do 2 steps instead of 1
b) unzipping 20mb worth of html isnt very fast
c) 20mb of unzipped + 20mb of zip file..means that you can't fit that into onboard memory :( can either have the compressed copy or the uncompressed copy, but not both. So it really isn't feasable to have them in 1 big file. The other way would be to have many smaller zip files..but that get tiring real fast.


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