On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 19:35:06 +0100 Michael Nordström wrote:

> > When are they planned to be implemented in the viewer?
> Whenever someone volunteers to add it. It's not that complicated to
> add, but it still requires someone to do it ;-)

In the other messege in this thread you have written that this also needs to
be implemented in the parser. Maybe you can't (yet! :) call my code a
parser, but I can generate any Plucker documents and as for today I have
implemented everything that is documented in the FormatDB (except "TBD"
parts), including bookmarks. Now it would be great to see this
bookmark-generating piece of code working.

> > Who is maintaining the viewer code
> I am.

So first od all thanks for this great piece of software :)

> > - maybe I could reach him privately by email?
> Maybe you could, but this mailing list is a better solution ;-)

It is not so easy for me to reply here (I prefer to receive digests and it
seems that I can't request individual messages), but OK, if you wish so.

Do you plan to implement bookmarks in the nearest future? If you need some
documents containing internal bookmarks and/or code generating those
documents, I can of course provide it to you. Next week I plan to finish
this XML to Plucker/PDB compiler then I will release the sources to the
public. It would be nice to have bookmarks working for then :)


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