On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Michael Nordstrom wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 08, 2003, Alexander R. Pruss wrote:
> > 1. This looks to me like it's checking for all two-byte length characters,
> > not just CRLF.  This surely isn't correct behavior, because it will allow
> > line-breaking at any two-byte length character.
> Well, I think you are making a mistake in your "assumptions." What
> the code actually does is to allow the viewer to insert a line break
> anywhere in the text stream, i.e. not only at a space.

In other words, we can always insert a line break after a two-byte long
character?  But is that right?  Conceivably some encodings will have
two-byte long characters that should behave just like Latin alphabetic
characters?  I am also a bit puzzled as to why the special handling for
two-byte characters?  (Why not three- or four-byte ones?)


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss  || e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Philosophy Department   || online papers and home page:
Georgetown University   ||  www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85
Washington, DC 20057    ||
U.S.A.                  ||
   "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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