Geoffrey Miller asked:

> I can't seem to get color images working with
> Sitescooper (v. 3.1.2) and Plucker (v.1.6). I can get
> really bad greyscale images no problem, but they won't
> go into 256 color. 
Somewhere, your image conversions are assuming that
you have only grayscale.  I am not familiar with the
image tools, but it would not surprise me if you need 
to give it another argument to do color.  


(1)  Check your device settings and your bpp settings
in plucker.  If you can get 256 different shades of 
gray, then your device can probably handle 16bpp,
and might be mapping the xx00 codes to gray for
some sort of backwards compatibility.

(2)  Try conversting with 16bpp.  (You might need to
say TargetColors=65536 for you converter?)  The 16
bits may force it into color, at which point you'll at least
have a working process to start from when you try to
shrink the pictures.

(3)  Try a different image conversion routine.  There
are several in, and I'm not sure it
defaults to the best in your case.

(4)  When you get it working, please add a note to

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