I have added support for unit test using PalmCUnit. Only a few test
cases have been added so far, but I intend to extend that collection
already the next couple of days.

PalmCUnit can be downloaded from 


At the moment you have to apply the attached patch to the PalmCUnit 
code, but I will contact the current maintainer of PalmCUnit and
check if he could make these minor changes to the main source code.
If not, then I will add the patch to CVS.

To build the test version you just have to include the 
--with-palmcunit=DIR when running configure (replace DIR with the
path to the PalmCUnit code). All code from the viewer except for
PilotMain will be included in the test binary.

I will update the README in the viewer dir with more info about the
unit test later on. All you should have to do (if you manage to build
the test viewer:) is to install the viewer and the UnitTest.pdb file
from viewer/test/data/, start the viewer (it is called PalmCUnit on 
the device), and press Run.


Attachment: PalmCUnit.diff.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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