I've noticed a new quirk in the viewer in recent builds.

IIRC, there have been changes to the code recently to at least partially get
around the record size limitation and make viewing a bit more seamless.

As a by-product of that, I see occasional quirks.  I have a current (1.6)
viewer, on a Handspring Visor Pro (OS 3.5).  Plucker is in RAM, and all
Plucker documents are in the /Palm/Programs/Plucker directory on a CF card.

I read a document created by an earlier version of the Python distiller.  I
reach the end of a section, and hit the "Press here to continue to the next
section" record break.

If I press the Down button, it will sometimes just do nothing (expected
behavior), sometimes blithely scroll the "Press here to continue" message
and continue into the next section, and sometimes crash and reset.

This is not a showstopper.  I'll file an honest-to-god bug report when I've
had a chance to investigate a bit more and try to isolate when it does which
behavior.  I don't know if it's related to the particular document I'm
reading or some other factor.  I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen
this behavior?

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