Looks nice (apart from the help texts that are taken from the cleaner!)  I
think ideally it should have an editable database of programs that it can
launch, preloaded with the items already there.

One way to do this is have a drop-down list of program entries, with four
buttons under it:
  select     new      edit     delete

Editing or creating a new entry then lets you set:
 (1) human-readable name of app to sublaunch
 (2) name of executable (ideally from drop-down list)
 (3) number to add to CustomBase
 (4) clipboard / cmdPBP

Then developers of third-party applications can just inform their users what
to enter for these items.

Or, even better, not just have a single database for PPI, but each
third-party program supplies a separate 'PlkP' 'data' database that contains
the four pieces of information.  And when PPI is first run, it creates the
databases for rl and kdic and anything else that we want to pre-package for
the user (and there should be an option to clean things up and restore this
default state).  This way, a third-party developer can either ask us nicely
to include his program in PPI by default for new users, or he can just
provide a .pdb for the users to load.


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