On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:21:25AM -0500, Alexander R. Pruss wrote:
> > Yes, but multibyte text storage (and btw the one in plucker is crippled
> and
> > won't be usable because of SHIFT-JIS (mis)handling
> How do we mishandle shift-jis?  We just use the OS's multibyte functions,
> and we assume that a CJK-OS traps the OS's multibyte char access functions.

in paragraph.c, line 1564, there is some conversion going on (seems like
parser puts raw SHIFT_JIS characters into the file, but claiming they 
are UCS2 - or is it vice versa?). This will IMHO mess up with unicode 
values, if plucker is compiled with HAVE_IMODE. 

> > Besides, grayscale font renderer already does support unicode (UCS2),
> For a contiguous range.
> > so
> > eventual OS support is irrelevant (if you are using grayscale fonts, not
> > the system ones)
> > Anyway, even if some future OS makes some sort of unicode support,
> > 1) users of older devices are not going to flash their ROMs en mass
> > 2) grayscale fonts have still nothing to do with OS, so they would
> >    need this implementation (what I am talking about) anyway
> I would hope that a future OS would include subpixel-rendered Unicode TTF,
> but one can only hope.
> > > The number of users who need to pluck sites that use multiple code pages
> > > in ways that matter.  For most English pages, for instance, it is no
> > > disaster if you pretend the page is in some other encoding--at most a
> few
> > > characters will be mixed up--and one expects that most, though not all,
> > > multilanguage plucks are going to be Some Other Language plus English,
> > > rather than two non-English languages.
> >
> > I agree. However, it renders plucker unusable for me :-)
> Fair enough.
> > > So I am not sure that it is worth
> > > supporting this.  It may slow down rendering.  It will make maintenance
> > > more work for all the developers.
> >
> > Note that rendering is already unicode (UCS2). UTF-8 implementation
> > would slow just text parsing (but UTF-8 parser is something like
> > 6 lines of C code consisting of bitshift and AND operations)
> Or, more simply, we could just use the current inefficient Unicode support
> (via the UNICODE16 and UNICODE32 functions in the Plucker doc format), and
> hook it up with the grayscale fonts and a map specifying ranges, and just
> ensure that the parser uses it more aggressively.

yes, that could be a first step - after all, in latin-based languages,
it would increase the text size just by a few percent.

| Radovan Garabík http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @ melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk     |
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