I'm thinking of adding a couple more transliteration tables to the search
(e.g., drop Latin2 accents, Cyrillic->ASCII, etc.;  these are really handy
for users who don't want to pay for a localization to read some texts in a
foreign language--or else for languages where there might not be any
localization (e.g., ancient Greek).)  I'm wondering how best to do it.

The simplest way is just to hard-code a couple more in.

The elegant way is to put transliteration tables in Plkr Xlit databases.
This way we can just drop in new transliteration tables and users can have
their own.  Each database record is:
    Char    xlitName[ 32 ];
    UInt16 versionNumber;  // 1
    UInt32 flags;  // 1 = 8-bit only (initially only this is supported;
once better Unicode support is in, we can go further, extend the format to
non-contiguous range mappings, etc.)
    WChar firstChar;
    WChar lastChar;
    WChar xlitOther; // character to transliterate not-in-range-characters
    WChar xlitTable[ lastChar + 1 - firstChar ];
On startup, the viewer loads up all Plkr Xlit databases, etc., reads all of
their records, locks them, and sets up a UI for the search function.

We can then distribute DefaultSearchTransliterations.pdb.  Moreover, the
search transliterations files can then be used by other open source programs
(I would ensure PalmBible+ could use them;  one could also set up PPI to use
optionally use a transliteration for dictionary lookup).

I think I will implement this the more elegant way.  This will also mean
I'll move the currently hard coded Latin1-drop-accents table out of the main
code.  Unless, of course, people have better ideas or don't like this.

I do want to emphasize that there are applications for which doing this is
pretty much essential.  For instance, for searching classical Greek texts,
where one really doesn't want to have to get the accents right (especially
on particles where the accent can differ depending on context), and where I
don't know of a good way to enter search text.

A closely related thing I guess I will have to do is a long-overdue overhaul
of the search-results form, not to hard code font dimensions, and to use the
current document standard font, rather than the system font.


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss
Department of Philosophy
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1133  U.S.A.
online papers and home page: www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85
   "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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