---Reply to mail from Alexander R. Pruss about monochrome bitmaps

> I've just noticed that indeed my version can render different parts at
> different depth.  This could, surely, be fixed if it indeed produces
> problems.

    That's what I see. Mostly it occurs when the 'background' color isn't
quite white. It is white on the monochrome part. The 'simple' solution is
to check for monochrome in the calculate_desired_size() function and change 
bpp to 1 if it is monochrome. Then all calls to convert will use bpp = 1
even for multiimages. We'll probably have to add a function to do this in
all of the NEWxxx.py parsers that are children of the ImageParser class.

> I do see one problem--if one has background color set, b&w images are
> actually not b&w but black&background, which makes for patchy multiimages.
> This raises a question: With a background color set, should we have b&w
> images show up as black&background or as black&white?  If the latter, we can
> fix the issue in the viewer.  If the former, then I guess we can't.

    I too vote for black & white. (Or in my case black & green.) 8^)

---End reply

Christopher R. Hawks
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; 
but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.

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