> The binaries and source for the annotation branch are at:

Thanks for these.

> 1. I'd like to have a way of selecting a region for highlighting rather
> just one word.

Definately agree.  I like what you've done so far, but I probably wouldn't
use annotations until this is possible and per-note color is supported.

> 3. Annotations should be listed in the bookmarks list if the user so
> desires.  In fact, if we wanted to do the radical and neat thing, we could
> get rid of bookmarks altogether and replace them with annotations with an
> empty highlight.  An upgrade program would be handy.

I vote for the radical and neat thing.  :-)

> I propose (though don't volunteer to write) an external utility that takes
> metadocument, and can do several things:
>  (1) extract annotations and/or bookmarks to a specialized database
>  (2) merge in annotations and/or bookmarks from such a database
>  (3) convert annotations and/or bookmarks to memos
>  (4) delete annotations and/or bookmarks en masse from a metadocument
>  (5) beam the specialized database in (1) and (2)
> This would allow for sharing of annotations.

I will write the proposed external utility if the above will be supported.
Pluckerbooks readers will get an awful lot from this functionality and I'll
help support it any way I can.


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