On Wed, May 26, 2004, Keith M. Hughes wrote:
> I've never seen what happens during a GPL violation

Most of the time not that much really happens. When you point out
what GPL requires from them they usually fix it right away. Then of
course we have the few rotten apples (or maybe I should say fishes:)
like Bluefish Wireless (http://bluefishwireless.com) that when asked
to provide the source code instead makes threats.

James Fisher, the CEO of Bluefish Wireless Inc., sent direct threats 
to me and "warned" me about contacting their customers to inform them
that the binaries they distributed violated our copyright. He even
tried to "sell" the source code to us for $15! Why would we want to 
buy a subset of our own source code? ;-)

Later, after we had got legal help from FSF, he also made this

  "If we end up in court, I will bankrupt these guys."

We finally got the source code with their modifications; it wouldn't
compile without a few modifications of my own and didn't really build
the same binary that they distributed, so in my opinion they haven't
done what is required, but we have better things to do than "fight"
with losers...

They are still using a modified version of the Plucker format in
one of their apps. What makes this interesting is that they, when
we confronted them about the initial infringement, told us that 
they had completely written their own parser, but now they all of
sudden have saved a lot of time and money by using *our* parser 
(and document format). Go figure ;-)

Anyway, most "GPL violations" are mistakes; they just haven't
understood the license. That's not really an excuse, but as long as
they fix it when told about what they have to do to comply with the
license I'm prepared to "forgive". I guess the rest of the Plucker
team have a similar opinion about this, i.e. we rather fix issues in
the software than spending time on legal issues ;-)


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