My ClieSkinner program (see uses the same method as Plucker to scan for files in VFS, namely iterate over the directory and call VFSFileDBInfo(). Unfortunately, two users have reported hangs as a result of using this method. My hypothesis is that they had files in VFS that weren't Palm databases, and that VFSFileDBInfo() screwed up on them. One user ended up clearing out his PALM\Launcher dir before I was able to fully to debug this. For the second user, I had the idea of skipping all files that don't have .prc (or .PRC, etc.) extension. I sent him a test version that did that, and it all worked.

Anyway, this is not something I have been able to duplicate. But it does seem that sometimes using this VFS scan method causes problems. My suggestion is to check for a .pdb or .prc extension (depending on what we are searching for) before calling VFSFileDBInfo(). The other advantage of doing this is that it would speed up the VFS scan since we wouldn't have to open some of the files.

I suppose, theoretically, this could cause trouble for users who store databases with other extensions, but I don't know if there are any such users.

It may be that for some mysterious reason this method works in Plucker but not in my code.


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss
Department of Philosophy
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1133  U.S.A.
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"Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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