On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 12:07:23PM -0500, Paul C. Cobb wrote:

> In the list archives, I found the pdftopdb shell script posted by Dan 
> Stromberg as a followup to an earlier post by Jaime Alberto Silva.  
> Thanks to both for sharing your work on this.
> I'm trying to use the script on a Mac OS X machine. The initial batch 
> of conversions using pdftoppm appears to work fine, but then the script 
> wants to call  `plucker-build' .    At this point it fails because, as 
> far as I can tell, the Plucker installation on my machine doesn't 
> include anything of that name.
You should read "Invoking the parser" section in the "Plucker Manual"
that should come with your Plucker Desktop.

plucker-build is just a wrapper script that calls Spider.py passing it
the commands plucker-build was invoked with.

I think you should create plucker-build script by itself and put there
something like

---8<--[cut start]------------------------------------------------

#! /whatever/path/to/the/shell/in/mac/os/x


"$PYTHON/python"          "$PLUCKER/Spider.py"       $@
# ^^^ python executable   ^^^ top-level plucker app  ^^^ cmd-line args

---8<--[cut end]--------------------------------------------------

This "script" assumes that Mac OS X's applications have no extensions
(like .exe) and that your shell understands $@ notation (meaning "the
list of all arguments passed on command line).

Sorry, I had not even seen any Mac yet and so my guessing is based on
the assumption that modern macs are just FreeBSDs in disguise, so I
cannot give you more precise hints on what to do.
Hope it will help though...

You can go another (less automatized) way: change your PDF-conversion
script so that it does NOT attempts to call plucker-build and then after
it finished running just use plucker desktop to convert the resulting
HTML page, then delete it manually.

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