Default graphics are not your friend it sounds like. Maybe look into the
graphics compatibility?
On Oct 5, 2014 5:15 PM, "Mark Jarvis" <> wrote:

> For those of you old enough to remember the Li'l Abner comic strip, I'm
> beginning to feel like Joe Btfsplk, the hard luck character who had a
> small, dark, rain cloud perpetually hovering over his head.
> I downloaded the latest 64 bit Ubuntu ISO and burned the image to disk.
> Booting from the DVD, it appeared to start, then went to a blank screen
> with a small icon at the bottom. After 5 or 6 minutes, I got tired of
> waiting and pushed the power button. Skipping some of the trials, it had
> apparently altered the boot order in setup to boot from the CD/DVD drive if
> there was something in it--not that I mind, I prefer that. anyway. If the
> DVD was in the drive it would boot from it and display some text options.
> One of the options said (approximately) run Ubuntu without installing.  I
> selected that option and pressed enter as instructed. Blank screen time.
> I have an HP box with a Samsung Monitor (1920 x 1080).
> First Knoppix, then Ubuntu. These used to be my sure fire, never fail
> distros.
> FWIW, an old Ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit) CD loads & works fine in live CD mode.
> I'd sure like to know what the problem is. Any suggestions gratefully
> accepted.
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