it is a 3 year old compaq. not that old!


On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 9:39 AM, <> wrote:

> How old is the laptop and what brand?
> On 2014-10-10 11:35, Michael Havens wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:14 AM, <> wrote:
>>  My question is what is the computer used for?  Are you using it
>>> for your Linux from scratch project?
>> Well.... what happened is I was using my laptop as my main computer
>> (which I have since learned is BAD); I was running everything through
>> it. Then the card reader didn't work. No problem, I rarely use that
>> feature anyways and I got a USB Multicard Reader/Writer. Then certain
>> keys started not working (and things were progressively getting
>> worse). No problem, I got a USB keyboard/mouse. Then when I was at
>> the airport to go to FL I found the internet switch didn't work. Time
>> to take it to a repair shop. Well, I can still use it for finances
>> until I get it to a shop when I return from Surfside. Then the fan
>> wasn't working. Then I got back from FL and took the computer to a
>> repair shop.... SO I then took my Linux from Scratch computer and
>> turned it into my central computer. This means I'll have to get
>> another computer for Linux from Scratch and start all over with LFS. I
>> told the lady at the repair shop about the fan, the dropping keys, and
>> the internet switch (forgot about the reader). She got back to me
>> yesterday and said that the fan was working just fine and that the
>> keyboard needed to be replaced. I inquired about the internet switch
>> and she said it was a part of the keyboard. I'm now thinking that the
>> card reader is a part of the keyboard too but I don't know.
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