I was just googling around and found someone who mentioned that the "Maximum number of clients reached" can mean literally that, or can mean that your system has run out of file descriptors. Check the output of lsof instead of xlsclients and see if you can figure out what is eating your system since it sounds like it's more of an FD type problem than a max client problem.

Brian Cluff

On 06/14/2015 09:22 PM, Michael Butash wrote:
And right after, could no longer unlock my desktop to get at it, even
switch ctrl-alt-F1 and back to F7, which normally works until the system
just comes unglued.

So there's apparently 2 layers of problems:

1) xorg clients exceed counts

2) system craps the bed as a result, not able to spawn new applications
via xorg display's

Odd that system level things like simple-locker break when doing so,
simply no longer rendering.  Upon montior wake-up, I'll see my full
desktop, even able to mouse over some things like cairo-dock that
respond to compositing (of which I killed as a test, no kwin/desktop
effects running since boot), but cannot otherwise interact enough to
restart/unlock/reboot the window-manager or system.

Side note, my tty's seem to bind to the non-existent intel sh*t
card/port on the mobo, so even when ctrl-alt-F1, I don't actually get a
term.  I can ssh to it, but have tried this, restarting lightdm just
hangs the system.  Hard reset like a windoze box time.

And it's back for a few days, again.

I really don't think my usage that abnormal, but seems no one else runs
into these things.  Very frustrating.


On 06/14/2015 08:55 PM, Michael Butash wrote:
Ah, xbmc/kodi seems to be a big reason.

Fired kodi up to catch certain season ending content tonight, and
yeah, took me from 118 xclients before to max after.  At least I got
to watch though.

I tried to launch something after moving it to the background, no
launch, no error, just usual telltale signs of brokenness, so checked...

mb@host:~$ xlsclients -a | sort | wc -l
Maximum number of clients reachedxlsclients:  unable to open display ":0"

Thought what changed from an hour ago, nothing more than launching
kodi.  Killed it (kill -9 pids, kodi wouldn't die otherwise), and voila.

mb@host:~$ xlsclients -a | sort | wc -l

As usual, probably plugins developed on windoze that doesn't bother to
limit exploit of the os (probably more encouraged by the nsa).  But
hey, at least I know I need to yell at someone there to figure out how
to code it and their plugins properly.

Just an fyi.

Side note, this isn't the ultimate evil it seems but a significant
one.  Tried to launch a gl-based game last night too, and get things
like sdl() failures to spawn a window, so there's something else
getting run-down over time.  Craptastic part is absolutely nothing
errors system-wise, even doing a blanket tail -f on /var/log/*, hoping
something would bark to indicate such.  I still think amd binary
drivers are crap.


On 06/14/2015 12:33 AM, Michael Butash wrote:
It's gotten *that* unstable lately, it's hardly worse than rebooting
every few days.


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