in some ways, this is already happening. Take for example my DVD collection. 
Given the terms of the DMCA, I am not allowed to play them with vlc (an open 
source media player) because it breaks (cracks) the CSS on those dvd's in order 
to play the content. THis also means I can't make backups of said media and 
keep the originals in their packages as archived originals.

THere is also the matter of e-books. Take for example the Kindle. THe OS on it 
is open source (or at least the kernel is). However, the books themselves are 
closed source format and the kindle will not read allowed the text for me. Add 
to that another issue with the American Authors guild. THey insist that I have 
to register with them before I can have the right to access an e-book. Again, 
its the DMCA at work (along with the content cartels). I have a right to be 
able to read what I want in the method that best works for me (speech, braille, 
accessible electronic text, etc.) and I am not being allowed to.

So, if you think this hasn't started happening in Linux, think again. It's 
already here and it starts out as next to nothing. Its time for those of us who 
have the knowledge to quit talking about the problem and actually do something 
about it.

-eric (the other eric)

On Aug 29, 2015, at 8:03 AM, Keith Smith wrote:

> I understand some do not like bringing politics into this list.  However it 
> is all relevant.  I'm a LAMP developer.  I have deep concerns that the 
> Federal Government will at some point start to regulate Open Source / Free 
> Software.
> I've known Lyle for sometime and his heart is in the right place.
> This nation was birthed on freedom... And today a baby can be caused to be 
> delivered prematurely and cut to pieces while it's heart is still beating. 
> This is called abortion.
> I think these are discussions we need to have because it will soon be Linux 
> they come after.  Then what?
> All it will take is for the likes of Bill Gates to grease the palms of a 
> handful of politicians and the next thing you know you will only be able to 
> boot M$.
> Didn't we see that with the law that says you cannot root your phone?  These 
> types of things are the opposite of freedom.  We should have the freedom to 
> buy whatever phone we want and buy minutes from any carrier.  Instead the 
> Cellular providers influence politicians to pass laws that take away our 
> freedom.  This is called crony capitalism.
> Crony capitalism may effect Open Source / Free Software at some point. A free 
> and open market allows us to vote with our dollars.  That is not the system 
> we have today.  We have a system where the wealthy and big business buy 
> politicians and they pass laws that aid the wealthy and big business.  AND 
> this is at our expense.
> I'm for freedom.  I do not care if you worship a pole or a cow, or nothing at 
> all.  I do not care if you run M$, Apple, or Linux.  I do not care if you 
> want to eat meat or abstain from meat. AND I hope you will allow me the same 
> latitude.
> I personally support the least amount of law - just the minimum to protect 
> the masses.
> Lyle is right here is a sleight of hand taking place.
> On 2015-08-29 06:16, Phil Waclawski wrote:
>> I really don't see how this is appropriate for a linux discussion
>> group.
>> Phil Waclawski
>> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Lyle <> wrote:
>>> Subject: Wedding ring is in for repair again this year...
>>> Just passing this on with no comment, interesting observation
>>> though....
>>> The Wedding ring is in for repair again this year. Since when does
>>> a plain wedding band need repairs, along with your watch, for a
>>> whole month? In a press conference last week Obama was not wearing
>>> his wedding ring nor was he wearing his watch. When noticed, his
>>> staff said his ring was out for repairs. No reason was given for the
>>> missing watch.
>>> So it's just a coincidence that Muslims are forbidden from wearing
>>> jewelry during the month of Ramadan...
>>> Can't possibly be that, because although he hasn't gone to a
>>> Christian church service since entering the White House, we know
>>> he's a committed Christian "cause he said so during his campaign"
>>> This is the same president that spent the Christmas holidays in
>>> Hawaii to avoid religious obligations as president at the White
>>> House. His children do not receive Christmas presents. Let's just
>>> face the facts and quit trying to distort the truth, we have a
>>> Muslim for president in the White House, and he has no knowledge of
>>> American history.
>>> I love this country; it's the current government leadership I worry
>>> about!
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