My stupid email client (OutBreak) doesn't know about quoting, sorry.  (And I'm 
at work, so have no choice in the matter - can't use a REAL email client ;-)

So, I'll agree with Steve's great set of questions.

In my case, I've chosen Linux Mint (which does have a KDE version) - primarily 
because their 'distribution goal' is 'to just work' (which means that they've 
disabled updating in Synaptic - you have to use package manager for that. 
Sorry, and for the purist they'd tear Mint from limb to limb over that, but 
since I personally have had a package install break stuff, I'm now ok with that 

Since I've not directly addressed or responded to anything in the original, my 
scissors will be quite aggressive :-)  I'll simply say that, as far as I know, 
Mint and probably MANY others will meet your 'requirements' below (mint 18.3 
uses systemd, mint 17 didn't.  If the network comes up fast, our systems 
booting 18 are blazing fast to boot, even compared to 17 which was pretty fast 

Snipping begins!

-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG-discuss [] On Behalf 
Of Jim
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:06 AM
To: main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Debian 9 vs Ubuntu 18

On 09/04/2018 09:46 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> I think your near-future decisions are much more wide ranging than
> Kubuntu vs Debian Stable:
> * Do you want to keep using KDE?
> * Where on the "User Friendly" vs DIY spectrum do you want to reside
When I install it, I want it to just work, but I want to be able to 
tweak some settings if I want to.
> * Do you have issues with using systemd?
> You probably have many options I haven't discussed. The main thing is
> this: At this point, limiting yourself to Ubuntu or Debian would be
> premature.

Rusty - Agree completely.
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