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On Tue, July 16, 2019 at 7:21 am, Stephen Partington wrote:
> to expand on what Brian has, my normal update routine for when I am
> wanting to update all the things. sudo apt update && sudo apt -y
> full-upgrade && sudo apt -y autoremove This setpset will update your
> sources, run a full upgrade automatically selecting yes, then remove
> unneeded packages also automatically selecting yes. the && allows you to
> issue 3 commands in the same line to be handled sequentially.

> On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 10:03 PM Brian Cluff <> wrote:
>> All those errors look like it tried to do an update, but your systems
>> package database was out of sync with the server's package database. You
>> should be able to fix it by making sure that your system download a
>> current package database, or from the command line running:
>> sudo apt update ; sudo apt -f install
>> Once you've run that everything should start working again.  You may
>> even want to do:
>> sudo apt full-upgrade
>> to get your system completely up to date.
>> Brian Cluff

>> On 7/15/19 6:35 PM, Joe Lowder wrote:
>>> What do I need to do to get a mint update to work?
>>> Please view these screenshots that disclose the problem?

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